To receive decent compensation for the moral harm caused to you, you need not only to collect evidence, but also to correctly draw up a statement of claim and submit it to the appropriate judicial institution.

Step 1
Make a statement based on the requirements specified in article 131 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. If the document does not comply with the norms stated in this article, the claim will not be considered by the court.
Step 2
You can write the application either by hand or print it on a computer and output it through a printer. An application for compensation for non-pecuniary damage should begin with the preparation of the general information of this document. Write the name of the court to which you are going to apply. If the amount you want to recover is less than 100 thousand rubles, then contact the magistrate, if more, then to the division of the district court.
Step 3
Write your first name, last name, patronymic and address. If an organization is the plaintiff, then indicate its name and address. A statement drawn up by a representative must contain the same information about him. Indicate the address at which you have the opportunity to receive a notice from the court without delay.
Step 4
Complete the responder information in the same algorithmic order, following these guidelines.
Step 5
Specify the exact cost of the claim. You have the right to set the amount of money yourself, since the code does not prescribe certain rules on this matter, but you will have to justify it.
Step 6
Give a title to your application. The text of the statement itself is drawn up in a free form and must explain to the court what your legal rights and interests have been violated (or are under threat of violation) and what you demand from the accused. Pay attention to the fact that you have to explain exactly what kind of moral suffering and as a result of which you were subjected.
Step 7
Please describe in detail the circumstances on the basis of which you are filing the claim. The document must be accompanied by evidence that can confirm your words. Write a list of this evidence at the end of the statement (if attached to the document). Please sign.