All firms, including individual entrepreneurs, are required to report to the tax office for financial results, which include profits. Advance payments are calculated on it, the amount of which is reflected in line 290 of the corresponding declaration. Depending on the income and the legal form of the enterprise, the accrual of advances will differ.

- - profit declaration form;
- - Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
- - financial statements for the quarter;
- - calculator.
Step 1
Organizations must report income tax on a quarterly basis. If your company's income in the reporting period did not exceed three million rubles, then you are exempt from paying monthly advance payments within a quarter. Advances are calculated and paid quarterly by multiplying the tax base by the income tax rate, which is 24%. You do not need to fill in line 290 of the declaration.
Step 2
Exempt from paying monthly advances for the quarter of the enterprise, the list of which is specified in article 286 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Line 290 of sheet 02 remains blank.
Step 3
If you do not belong to the categories of organizations that are subject to tax legislation, or the income for the quarter exceeded 3 million rubles, then you must fill out line 290 of the profit declaration.
Step 4
If you are reporting for the first quarter, then the monthly advance will be equal to the quarterly advance for the fourth quarter divided by three, which is the average of the payment for the previous quarter. Moreover, you need to pay the calculated amount no later than the 28th of the month that follows the reporting one.
Step 5
If you are filling out a declaration for the second quarter, then in line 290 you need to enter the amount of the monthly advance, which is calculated by determining the average value of the advance payment for the first quarter.
Step 6
If you are calculating your monthly payment within the third quarter, then divide the advance for the second quarter by three. Enter the result obtained in line 290 of the second sheet of the declaration.
Step 7
When you need to pay your monthly upfront payments for the fourth quarter, determine the average for the third quarter. Enter the amount on line 290 of the declaration.
Step 8
If in the reporting period you have suffered losses, then the amount of the monthly advance for the next quarter will be equal to zero. Since by multiplying the zero tax base by the rate of 24%, you get a zero result.