At many enterprises, a piece-rate system of remuneration is being introduced to improve the efficiency of employees. The method of payment, in which the amount of remuneration directly depends on the amount of work performed, motivates subordinates. However, in order for the documents of the "pieceworker" employee not to raise questions from the tax authorities, accountants must complete all documents in accordance with the existing rules.

Step 1
Add a clause on the introduction of a piece-rate system of remuneration to the collective agreement of the enterprise. List all the nuances, including the types of "piecework" that will be practiced (direct, indirect, progressive, collective payment, and so on). Also indicate which employees of which departments of your organization can work on a piece-rate payment system.
Step 2
Issue an Order to change the form of remuneration based on the Regulation on payment. In it, as in the collective agreement, the professions and positions (or the name of the unit) of employees who will be transferred to the piece-rate system of remuneration must be indicated. Indicate the date from which the Order comes into force. It must be approved by the head of the company with a personal signature.
Step 3
Make copies of the Regulation on payment and the Order on the transition to the new payment system and familiarize all those workers who will be transferred to "piecework" with them against signature. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, only two months after familiarization with the documents, employees of the enterprise can begin to receive salaries according to the new procedure. For those members of the team who got a job after the publication of the Order, this rule does not apply.
Step 4
Issue Orders for new employees of the enterprise, accepted for the piece-rate system of remuneration, with a standard Order with the addition of the wording "Accept with a salary in accordance with the employment contract" or "Accept with a salary in accordance with the staffing table." The wording "The form of remuneration is piecework" is optional, however, if the employee insists on it, you can enter it in your personal Order.