No one is immune from dismissal from work, especially during the economic crisis, when organizations are faced with financial difficulties. However, termination of an employment contract due to redundancies leads to the payment of certain compensation. Therefore, managers try to either force employees to dismiss of their own free will, when compensation is not due, or to find a reason for dismissal for violation of labor discipline.

Step 1
Here is a typical example: a leader began to find fault, openly show his dissatisfaction. In this case, stay calm, do not succumb to provocations. After each case of his reproaches, nagging, give him a memo with the following content: “You claimed that I did not fulfill my official duties conscientiously and skillfully enough. I ask you specifically, in writing, to indicate exactly where I made a mistake, what I did wrong, and what damage the organization suffered from this. The more angry he is, the more calm and indifference you must remain.
Step 2
Remember: for your dismissal, the management must have good reasons, clearly listed in the Labor Code. Arguments like “I don’t like you anymore” are not such reasons.
Step 3
The following situation is encountered: the management sharply cuts the level of salaries. That is, people are not fired, they are not nagging in vain, but they are paid much less than before. Like, what to do, you yourself understand: the crisis. The employer hopes that people will not stand it and will start writing letters of resignation of their own free will.
Step 4
According to the Labor Code, the amount of wages can be reduced only with the written consent of the employee. But in some firms, the officially declared level of salaries is still very low, and the difference is given "in an envelope". In addition, there are a number of cases where the law allows for a reduction in wages even without your consent. Therefore, in any case, do not rush to write an application, first be sure to consult a qualified lawyer.
Step 5
A good way to protect yourself as much as possible from dismissal is to fulfill your duties in good faith and fully, show reasonable initiative, zeal, and do not allow even the smallest violations of labor discipline. Remember that no sane leader wants to harm himself. There is little chance that he will decide to fire a diligent, conscientious and skilled worker.