How To Write Articles

How To Write Articles
How To Write Articles

At first glance, there is nothing difficult in writing articles. But in reality this is not entirely true. There are certain rules and certain secrets that must be adhered to if you want to be successful in this difficult endeavor.

How to write articles
How to write articles

Many aspiring copywriters are wondering how to write articles. Indeed, in this genre, there are certain rules, the observance of which is mandatory. However, before talking about them, it should be reminded that there are two other points without which a good article will never come out. This is mastery of the word (including literacy and stylistic flair) and mastery of the material. The rest is a matter of experience and technique.

Rules for writing an article

There are several of them, and they are not as difficult to memorize as it might seem at first glance.

Rule # 1. Before you start writing an article, organize your workplace correctly. It is very important that no one and nothing distracts you from the creative process. You will definitely need a pen, notebook, pencil or open source text editor on your computer or laptop. Prepare all of these supplies in advance.

Rule # 2. Even if you are familiar with the material, do not be lazy and study two or three sources of information on the topic of the article. Firstly, this is a great opportunity to enrich your knowledge, and secondly, this approach will become insurance in case you are wrong about something.

Rule # 3. After you have carefully read the materials, proceed to drawing up a plan for a future article. Its structure must necessarily include an introduction, a main part (possibly broken down into one or more subheadings) and a conclusion. Write in front of the sections how many characters should be allocated to each of them. The ratio of signs should be approximately as follows: introduction - 1/5, conclusion - 1/5, main part - 3/5 of the article. Those. if you are writing an article of 5 thousand characters without spaces, you need to allocate a thousand characters for the introduction and the final part. The remaining three thousand will be the main part, which also does not hurt to be divided into equal subsections (1/5, or in this example, 1000 characters for each of them). However, this rule is not always true. Remember to also include common sense when using it.

Rule # 4. Avoid the "conversational" style. The article should be as neutral as possible, stylistically "aligned". This is especially true for the news format. The only exception is blog articles. Here the author can afford to "relax" a little.

Secrets of "tasty" text

Do you know what articles taste like? They can be "insipid", "tasteless", "stringy", "spicy", "vigorous", "savory, etc." All the "culinary" epithets are countless. Why is one article associated with bad taste and seems insipid, while the other just strives to burn? Why do we read some texts and immediately forget, while others keep in the bins of our memory for years? It's all about professional secrets.

The first is the emotional background. An article can be written in a completely neutral style, with a perfectly aligned form, but at the same time, on a subconscious level, we will perceive it in a completely different way. Why? Because it contains a powerful information layer hidden behind seemingly neutral words.

In addition to the "special" words, the inner rhythm of the article is of great importance. Try alternating long and short sentences, use question and exclamation marks and you yourself will feel how your text will “play” in a new and unexpected way. Just don't overdo it.

There is one more secret, probably the most important one, without which all of the above will not work. Keep it simple. Do not grind out unnecessary signs from yourself, do not pull out of yourself abstruse phrases, the meaning of which even you may not fully understand - have pity on the reader. The text of a real, "living" article is not born in your head, but a little to the right and below - in your heart.
