Many people in creative professions - artists, illustrators, photographers, graphic designers, musicians, video bloggers, and others - are attracted to stocks as a way to create passive income. However, despite all the advantages of such earnings, it has a number of limitations.

Step 1
The first drawback that you will have to face in working with drains is the so-called "valley of death". This means that at first you will have to intensively replenish your portfolio, but it will hardly generate income. "Death Valley" can last from several months to a year or more. Earnings will become tangible when the number of your work grows significantly, and there are enough sales.
Step 2
The second drawback is high competition. To many, working with wastewaters seems like easy bread, so the competition is great. Top works at the stocks were carried out at a high level of professionalism and quality. To overcome the competition, you need to constantly improve your skills and stay on top of trends.
Step 3
The third drawback in working with stocks is the need for special knowledge in the field of promotion through search engines. Basically, stocks are a great search engine for illustrations, photos, videos, and other creative content. In order for your work to be found and bought, you need to make a competent description for it, select keywords and upload them at the right time. You will have to spend time to acquire this knowledge and apply it in practice.
Step 4
The fourth drawback is the need for self-organization and developed self-control. If you are used to working alone, know how to motivate yourself, overcome difficulties and clearly see the purpose and meaning of your actions, then this disadvantage will not affect you. But if you are a team player, a person of mood and like to do everything on a whim, it is unlikely that working with stocks will bring you tangible income.