In the early stages of development, some managers of online stores are faced with the problem of delivering goods. The presence of a courier service is one of the indicators of the quality of the company's work. Couriers are, in a sense, the face of the company, which has a big impact on attracting new and retaining old customers.

Step 1
In order to deliver the goods, you can use the services of a specialized company. In this case, you do not have to deliver the goods yourself, but after delivery the company will take a percentage of the sale. On average, this is 3% of the transaction amount. This option has a negative side: with a heavy workload of the courier company, it may happen that the goods will not be delivered to the client on time. This, in turn, will inevitably result in tangible losses for the company.
Step 2
It is also possible to send goods using the "Russian Post". The advantages of this method include an extensive network of branches throughout the country, relative mobility and speed of delivery. But there are also downsides: higher shipping fees, limited items to ship, and long queues. To receive the goods sent by the online store by mail, you must have a passport with you.
Step 3
Creation of your own courier service. The advantages of this option include full control and targeted work of couriers, their narrow focus. The downside is the frequent dishonesty of employees, which can result in losses for the company. It is also necessary to come to terms with the losses associated with the wages of workers and the creation of social conditions.
Step 4
At the initial stages of creating your own business, it is possible to send the goods yourself to the addresses of clients. This method is very common for entrepreneurs with a small business in its infancy. The disadvantage of this method is the high workload with active sales of goods. The plus is cost savings.