With the advent of computers, local and global networks, it became possible to organize automated accounting in many government agencies. After all, accounting is necessary to obtain accurate statistical information on the basis of which analyzes and forecasts are made. This form of accounting is also TIN - taxpayer identification number.

What is a TIN for?
Taxpayer identification number (TIN) is assigned by the tax office at the place of residence or registration to individuals and legal entities. This is a unique number - a code that every taxpayer must have, regardless of the form of ownership. This code consists of 12 digits, the first two are the code of the region where this individual or legal entity is permanently registered, the next two digits are the number of the tax office in which he is registered, the remaining eight digits are the serial number and check digits.
TIN is required to identify any taxpayer who is registered in this capacity on the territory of the Russian Federation. Using this number, tax authorities can control the calculation and payment of taxes. The fact that you have a TIN will be confirmed by a document called "Certificate of registration of an individual (or legal entity) with a tax authority on the territory of the Russian Federation", this TIN is also indicated in it.
Once received, the TIN remains with a person forever, even when he changes his place of registration and other passport data.
You can require a TIN certificate from you in the case when you want to get a job in any state structure. You have the right not to tell it to anyone, even if you contact the bank for a loan or submit your income statement to the tax office, employees will find this number in their database anyway.
The TIN is assigned without fail to everyone who must pay taxes on the territory of Russia, including citizens of other states.
Do I need to change the TIN when changing registration or surname
If you changed the place of permanent registration and registered with another tax office, as well as if you changed your last name, first name or patronymic, the TIN does not change, but the form itself, which contains outdated information, must be replaced. With a statement about this, you must contact the tax office at the new place of residence or the same one if there was only a change of surname.
Attach the old certificate of registration with the tax authority to the application; a document proving your identity; a certificate of a new place of residence or a document-basis for changing the surname: certificate of marriage or divorce, certificate of change of surname, first name or patronymic. You do not need to submit any information to the tax office at the place of previous registration - they will deregister you based on the information provided from the passport office.