The relationship between the employer and the subject is spelled out in the Labor Code. Therefore, when looking for a job, you should not consider yourself something like a chip dangling in a mountain river: the law protects and ensures that the rights of the subject are respected.

A probationary period is not a prerequisite for hiring; it is appointed with the consent of the applicant. However, it is worth remembering that if you refuse to go through it, then the employer has the right not to hire you.
The duties of the sausage during the probationary period should be clearly spelled out in the contract, including the work schedule and the amount of wages. By law, an employee has the right to quit before the end of the probationary period if the job does not suit him. Also, according to the law, an applicant can be assessed only by the quality of work, and not by personal characteristics. Therefore, before hiring, it is better to study the standard contract, which is drawn up for the period of the probationary period.
Who can by law not pass the probationary period:
1. Pregnant women.
2. Young specialists within one year after graduation, if education was obtained at a university with state accreditation and they start working in their specialty for the first time.
3. Mothers with children no older than one and a half years.
The trial period should not exceed three months. If the subject is sick, then his "trial period" is increased by the number of days spent on sick leave. An exception can be made for employees who are hired for the position of chief accountant - their term can be increased to 6 months, since their work is very responsible.
The subject's salary cannot be less than the salary of employees of his level of responsibility. Often this point is negotiated orally, and the employer sets a small salary for the sausage. Here, everyone decides for himself - to defend their rights or put up with a small amount so as not to quarrel with the boss.
If the subject is not satisfied with the employer, he can be fired during the probationary period, with 3 days' notice. At the same time, the reasons for dismissal must be explained to him in writing.