How To Prepare A Project

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How To Prepare A Project
How To Prepare A Project

Video: How To Prepare A Project

Video: How To Prepare A Project
Video: How to Write a Project Plan [PROJECT PLANNING STEPS THAT WORK] 2024, October

Everyone has ideas that they want to implement - whether it be landscaping the yard, business or something else. To translate what you want, you need to formalize the idea into a project.

How to prepare a project
How to prepare a project


Paper and pen, or computer


Step 1

Clearly formulate your idea: how much and what will be, what shape, colors and more. For example, in the case of landscaping, how many and what trees, flowers, where exactly do you plan to plant, how to water, and more. Now describe this picture in text and in number, draw a diagram of future plantings, draw up a watering schedule, and the like.

Step 2

Describe the significance of the project for society and the planned results from the implementation. In this example, it is a vacation spot for various segments of the population and an example to follow.

Step 3

Determine the resources that will be required. It is believed that there are three main resources: money, time and people. So it is necessary to formalize your idea into these indicators, after which the resource needs of the project will become clear. In the case of landscaping - how much money is needed to buy seeds and seedlings, how long it takes to plant and by whom it will be carried out, as well as who and under what conditions will support the planting.

Step 4

Divide resources in stages - because in this example, you will first need money to buy materials, then people to plant and then maintain the plantings. Fill out the resulting data in the table, in the first column indicate the name of the resource, in the second its numerical indicator and in the third the date of delivery / receipt. Thus, we got a schedule for obtaining resources.

Step 5

Identify the benefits to be gained by the participants in your project. In our case, for sponsoring companies, this is the status of socially responsible business and advertising, for people helping to plant trees and flowers, the opportunity to express their civic position regarding the improvement of the territory and set an example to others.
