It happens that fatigue or boredom piles on at work with such force that it becomes very difficult to fight sleep. Shake it up, cheer up and keep working and adding value to your company.

Step 1
Get enough sleep so that at work you do not want to close your eyes and fall asleep. Getting good sleep every night will give you the strength to work during the day. Sleep for at least eight hours and try to go to bed before midnight. Observe the daily routine: go to bed and get up always at about the same time, even on weekends.
Step 2
Take breaks during your work day. A little rest is necessary for your body, even if you think your work is not tiring. Try to dine outside of your workplace and go for short walks.
Step 3
Change your activity. You may be overwhelmed by sleep if you have been doing painstaking, repetitive work for a long time. Try taking a break and doing something else.
Step 4
Do not overwork and extend your working day from eight to twelve. At some point, your body will break down and protest. If you are late in the service almost every day, or you do not cope with your duties, or you are shamelessly exploited by the management. Both cases are cause for concern.
Step 5
Get distracted by some simple actions. Tidy up your workplace, lay out documents, water flowers, or just look out the window. Perhaps your body will switch and start working in a refreshed mode.
Step 6
Have a cup of aromatic coffee. This invigorating drink will let your body wake up. If you don't drink coffee or have already drunk it in the morning, replace it with oranges or freshly squeezed juice from these sunny fruits.
Step 7
Think about the upcoming bonus, calculate the percentage of your plan, think about important backlog of business, or imagine your angry boss who sees you sleeping at work. Perhaps thinking about your work duty and direct responsibilities or not wanting to be punished will help you wake up.
Step 8
Change a boring, hopeless job for a new one that is interesting and inspiring. In the position that you like, you will not want to yawn.