The actual question for bloggers, novice journalists and copywriters - what to write an article about - often hangs up on forums, mail-questionnaires and other sites of the world wide web. So, here are some recommendations that will help you decide on the choice of an interesting and popular topic.

Why are you writing?
The first thing that needs to be understood by a person who wants to write an article is why he wants to do it? Possible answers:
- to gain popularity and money;
- for self-expression;
- for the manifestation of position (social, political, civil);
- in order to just try your hand.
If everything is in order with the understanding of the goal, you can go to the next point - the choice of the topic of the article.
Choosing a topic for the article
There are a great many topics for writing articles, but you need to choose the one that will be interesting or close to you. Thus, you will simplify your task, because the selected topic will excite your mind, which means that it will be able to spill out into the lines of an article without unnecessary brainstorming.
But the main thing is that you can write with heart on a topic that is interesting to you. This means that there is a great chance that your readers will like your article.
Most popular topics for articles
The most popular topics on the pages of newspapers, blogs, websites are:
- social problems;
- politics and near-political discussions;
- domestic issues;
- psychology;
- money and earnings.
1. Articles about social problems are the most topical. You can write about when the salary or pension will be raised, the roads will be repaired, public transport will be updated, the Unified State Exam will be canceled, etc. Despite the fact that many of these questions have long been beaten, a careful look around can lead to another round of social development. topics or even a new social problem.
2. If you are interested in politics, you can write about why officials are raised wages, why the opposition criticizes the actions of the authorities, etc. Such an article can have an explosive effect, cause a storm of emotions, responses or criticism. One has only to indicate in the title the name of the president, Bolotnaya Square or Crimea, how many readers will want to start a dialogue with the author. However, to cover this topic you need to become an expert and also be well-versed in informational terms.
Writing articles on a psychological topic requires either professional education or personal experience, otherwise the result will be just a shake of air.
3. In an article about household issues, you can write about how to descale a kettle, build a birdhouse yourself, connect a TV antenna, etc. If your everyday experience allows you to share practical knowledge about solving a particular everyday problem, do not be afraid to state it in your article, it will certainly attract someone's attention.
4. Psychology is also very popular. You can write an article that provides tips on coping with stress, finding common ground with teens, communicating with the opposite sex, and more.
Here you can write about how to make money on the Internet, where to invest your money, where to keep cash and so on.
5. And, of course, one cannot ignore the financial topic - about money and earnings. This topic has always been popular. Therefore, if the author opens up to the readers a new method of earning income or analyzes existing ways of earning, the article will be actively read and discussed.
I wish you creative success!