Property as a social category has a significant impact on the development of society, being its integral feature. In this regard, two important points can be distinguished: property as a feature of human culture and social relations.

Property as a Trait of Human Culture
The land, as a place of residence of a social group, and everything that is on it, in fact, are subjects of ownership. Everything that keeps people alive and everything they value becomes property that is present everywhere. This means that it is immanently inherent in the human personality from the moment of birth. Experts have found that young children are desperate owners who, as they grow up, share their property with others mainly because they are taught to do so.
Human society is engaged in production and owns land mainly in order to sell it or receive income from it. In this respect, property as a social category is closely intertwined with the economic category, therefore, the definition can be applied to it - the socio-economic part of life. Of course, production is not capable of being unlimited, since it is limited by natural resources, therefore, sometimes it is not able to satisfy the constantly growing needs of society. In this respect, property, as an object of production and extraction, can be considered a permanent part of society.
Social relationships
It is clear that social property relations have evolved over many centuries and now appear before everyone in the form that is, in the opinion of some, the most profitable, since it allows you to get the maximum profit from production. Analyzing social relations, economists made an interesting conclusion, which is based on the understanding of the category of property as one of the first to help in rethinking life. Of course, it is hardly possible to characterize such an understanding completely positively.
It should be noted that social property relations can be considered subjectively arbitrary only in relation to economic activity. However, this type of relationship is more pronounced in the sphere of exchange and distribution, because it is in this case that the benefits move from hand to hand.
When characterizing property as a significant component of social relations, it is important to understand that property is capable of functioning in different manifestations, both outside of production and in production. In all cases, it manifests itself not only in the social quality, but also in the economic quality, which cannot be completely isolated from each other and at the same time identified with each other.