Owners of purebred cats are probably familiar with the mysterious word "felinology". This is the name of the section of zoology, which deals exclusively with the study of cats: their anatomy, physiology, breeding, selection and maintenance. A person who specializes in this is called a felinologist. Many "cat-lovers" want to deal with their pets since childhood, but they don't know how. Now there are several ways how you can become a felinologist.

Step 1
The main qualities of a felinologist are love for cats, kindness, responsibility, good memory, desire and ability to constantly learn, attending exhibitions, seminars, reading literature, etc. Naturally, when a person does not like or is afraid of cats, he is unlikely to be interested at all in the profession of a felinologist, because this is no longer even a job, it is a style and way of life.
Step 2
Specialized knowledge is also important, and it is different for different types of felinologists. It is imperative to know at least the basics of veterinary medicine, anatomy, physiology of cats, as well as their psychology. It is extremely important to interact, to establish contact with any animal. It is also important to establish contact with the owners of cats, so communication skills as a personality trait will not hurt. All other knowledge and skills are determined by the specific specifics of the felinologist's work.
Step 3
There are several types of felinologists and ways to become one. The first type of specialists can be called professional felinologists. These are people who received veterinary education in one of the agricultural universities or agricultural academies. They can work both in clubs of cat lovers, and to be engaged in scientific research at the same institutes. Also, these specialists can work on the creation of new food, vitamins, cat care products. To become a specialist-felinologist, you need to enter one of the universities at the zooengineering faculty and choose the specialization "felinology". Such specialization exists in the capital Timiryazev Academy, and in some regions.
Step 4
The second type of felinologists may not have a higher education. Felinology breeders belong to this category. Almost any owner of a cat with a pedigree can become a breeder. In order to open your own cat cattery, you need to take special courses in felinology. Upon completion of these courses, a person receives a certificate that gives the right to work. Usually breeders are engaged in a particular breed of animals. Various courses and seminars on felinology are held at federations or clubs, for example, at the RFF (Russian Felinological Federation).
Step 5
Another type of felinologists are experts or judges. Most often, breeders become experts. In order to become an expert, you need to attend numerous seminars, courses, because you need to know all the features of the breed to be judged. To judge cats at shows, you need to get a license, and for each breed you need to get a license separately. Just to obtain a license, it is necessary to complete many paid courses and seminars, as well as the experience of a breeder. The professional development of judges is carried out in the International Collegium of Felinologists.