Slogan is an effective and catchy phrase used in an advertising campaign to attract the attention of potential customers. This is the slogan, the motto of the company, its main difference from competitors. Good slogans quickly "go to the people", becoming catch phrases. The development of advertising text is subject to certain rules and consists of several stages.

Step 1
The first stage is analytical First of all, you must collect the most complete information about the company for which you will compose the slogan. Study the directions of its activities, the range of products and services offered, their competitive advantages, existing corporate traditions, the content and effectiveness of previous promotions, etc.
Step 2
Formulate the objectives of the advertising campaign as a whole. This can be, for example, ensuring the recognition of a new product, or increasing the volume of sales of a certain group of products, or attracting additional visitors, etc.
Step 3
Study the target audience that the slogan will target. You should be able to accurately visualize the client of the company - a buyer of goods, a visitor to a cafe, a user of banking services, etc. Make a general description of the target audience: age, social status, family and children, professional field of activity, financial capabilities, etc. The list of features of the group can be expanded depending on the specificity of the advertised goods or services.
Step 4
The second stage is creative Writing a slogan requires not only knowledge of the theoretical foundations of advertising production, but also creative thinking, extraordinary approaches to working with text, good command of the Russian literary language.
Step 5
Choose the keywords you want to use in your slogan. For example, to advertise a product, the list of key phrases will consist of its product and price features: natural, appetizing, low-calorie, inexpensive, etc. When developing an image slogan, pay attention to the characteristics of the company as a whole: reliable, attentive to customers, stable, etc.
Step 6
Set the overall tone of the slogan. For example, the purpose of advertising is to increase the sales of sports equipment. This means that the campaign motto should contain words reminiscent of an active lifestyle: "Give me a ski track!" or "Run for happiness!" etc.
Step 7
Think over the semantic content of the slogan. You can base it on words of high emotional coloring or stable formulations that have an intuitive meaning for the target audience. Eliminate rude and obscene expressions. Don't overcomplicate sentences. Short slogans containing one key idea are perceived better. The phrase can be rhymed or simply rhythmic, consisting of short, easy-to-pronounce words.
Step 8
Determine the place of the slogan within the advertising campaign, its interaction with other elements. For example, a slogan can be used in a TV ad but will not be printed on an outdoor poster. Choose several variants of the main slogan for different types of advertising. Be guided by the principle of organicness. So, in a printed layout, the text should not be lost against the background of the picture. For the entire advertising campaign, use one font, a common color scheme, and a single sound range.
Step 9
The third stage - testing Check the slogan for uniqueness and memorability. The easiest way to do this is through a focus group. Invite 10-15 people that match the characteristics of your target audience. Provide them with all the prepared slogan versions: in print, audio-video clips, mock-up of souvenir products, etc. Listen to the opinion of the participants in the experiment: what associations they have in connection with the slogan, whether the advertising appeal influenced their attitude to the product (service, company), whether there was a desire to purchase the advertised product, whether people will remember this slogan in a few days. The results will help you identify bad elements that need to be changed.