Labor intensity is the energy that employees spend in one unit of working time. The calculation of the intensity is made by long-term analysis of average performance indicators. This function should be assigned to the department of labor rationing.

Step 1
Calculate the intensity of labor according to the formula I = K / V, where I is the intensity of labor, K is the amount of output, B is the time during which a certain amount of output is produced.
Step 2
In order not to make a mistake in the calculations, the normalizer is obliged to analyze the amount of products produced for a certain amount of time. The most accurate will be the results of a general analysis of the products produced by a group of employees who are engaged in the same work and have the same qualifications.
Step 3
It is necessary to calculate the average daily intensity according to the calculations of a long period. The average intensity value is more accurate when determining the average daily indicator for 12 months. To calculate, add the total number of products manufactured in 12 months, divide by the number of working hours for which this product was manufactured. You will receive the intensity of work of one employee in one hour of working time. This indicator will be equal to one, which corresponds to the normal intensity of labor.
Step 4
The intensity is calculated when all employees are transferred from fixed wages to production wages, as well as when the conditions for incentive payments are changed.
Step 5
The calculation of the labor intensity for one employee leads to inaccurate results, since it is impossible to transfer all employees with the same qualifications and working in the same production conditions to a single result. Only averages can be used to calculate normal labor intensity.
Step 6
The intensity of labor, which is less than the calculated unit, is considered low, above 1 - increased. Depending on this, a clause can be added to the bonus regulation, which will regulate incentive payments.