A full-time worker spends at least 40 hours a week in the workplace. For most workers, the 8-hour day is quite stressful, some work physically, some mentally. To help you stay awake by the end of the day and not feel tired and overwhelmed, learn how to use your free time at work during lunch.

Who Should Take Lunch Break?
Providing employees with a break for rest and lunch is stipulated in parts 1 and 2 of Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this norm of the law is imperative, i.e. it must be fulfilled by all employers, regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise, the working hours established on it and the length of the working day. The lunch break may not be less than 30 minutes or more than 2 hours in duration. As a rule, in most enterprises it lasts 1 hour. This hour is not paid by the employer, which means that you are free to dispose of this time as you see fit, at your discretion.
Leave the windows open for your lunch break to keep the area well ventilated.
What to do during your lunch break
Take some of this time to eat. This is necessary so that you do not feel hunger, which interferes with full work. In addition, it is simply necessary to have lunch so as not to get fat, because nutritionists have proven that for this you need to eat 4-5 times during the day with intervals of 3-4 hours. If you do not have the opportunity to eat a full meal in a cafeteria or cafe, you need to take home cooked food so as not to snack on chips, buns and cakes that are harmful to the stomach and body.
Lunch usually takes 15 to 30 minutes, so you should spend the rest of the time in a way that is useful to you. No wonder they say that the best rest is a change of activity. To stay productive and clear your mind throughout the working day, take a full break during the break. If you are engaged in physical work, try to relax, preferably in a supine position or reclining, so that the muscles of your arms and legs are relaxed. Ask your coworkers for a light massage or give yourself one yourself.
For those who work at a computer, a five-minute sports program can be included in the lunch break program, during which you can perform simple exercises and stretch your muscles.
In the event that your work is sedentary, do not stay in the office at lunchtime, continuing to sit at the computer, even if not working. Many people try to go shopping at lunchtime, but this, of course, can hardly be called a vacation, from which you will only get tired more. Be sure to take a walk, sit in the fresh air. Free time can be usefully spent on communication with a colleague or friends working nearby, inviting them for a cup of coffee or taking them for a walk, from this you will get double pleasure and can distract from work problems and give your brain a rest.