Many people change their place of residence and move to other cities for various reasons. At the same time, certain difficulties arise in finding a job. After all, not every company will hire an employee who does not have permanent registration.

Step 1
Pay attention to the vacancies of companies that are not related to material liability. Indeed, for enterprises it is a big risk - to hire a person who will then be impossible to find. Best of all, analyze where you will be in demand.
Step 2
Write your resume. In it, indicate your previous work experience, education, personal qualities that you possess (responsibility, sociability, dedication) and what vacancy you are applying for. In the same place, note that you do not have a registration (at all or in this city). Also note the reason why you do not have a registration (no need to describe family problems). For example: there is no permanent registration in the city (indicate the name of the city), due to the move. Then be sure to write your actual residence address.
Step 3
Submit your resume online. For these purposes, you can use message boards; websites of companies in which you would like to work; specialized sites (Jobs 66, In addition, you can place your resume in specialized newspapers ("There is a job", "Fast courier", "Vacancies").
Step 4
Walk around the organizations. As a rule, large companies always have open vacancies, especially in factories, banks, shopping centers. In doing so, pay attention to the posted ads. Indeed, very often you can find a glued sheet of paper on the front door of the store. In turn, it will say that employees are being invited to work. If you see such "stickers", then go immediately to the head of the company and discuss the working conditions.
Step 5
Buy a newspaper with job offers from employers. Find the most suitable offers in it and mark them. Then start calling them. In this case, do not forget to prepare a pen and a sheet of paper in advance. This will help you write down the terms of the job, the address for the interview.