The name of the profession "mystery shopper" is intriguing, because we are all buyers from time to time, but not at all secret. Does a mystery shopper come to the store while no one sees and quietly buys some product, the existence of which should remain a secret to the general public? This is, of course, a joke, but it partly reflects the essence of this profession.

The name of the profession "mystery shopper" is intriguing, because we are all buyers from time to time, but not at all secret. Does a mystery shopper come to the store while no one sees and quietly buys some product, the existence of which should remain a secret to the general public? This is, of course, a joke, but it partly reflects the essence of this profession.
Mystery shopping is one way to assess the quality of an organization's work. Under the guise of an ordinary client, a mystery shopper turns to the purchase of goods or services to help the business owner objectively assess the quality of the work of his subordinates. Depending on the form of work of the company, a mystery shopper goes there personally or indirectly (by phone, e-mail) and performs all the actions that an ordinary buyer performs - consults with managers, makes purchases, but at the same time records all his actions (makes audio or video recording, photographs), and then draws up a report.
A mystery shopper may be tasked with not only checking the politeness and speed of employees, but also their compliance with corporate standards that relate to dress code, communication with a client, as well as behavior in a conflict situation, which is also created by a mystery shopper.
It is very easy to become a mystery shopper - there are many companies that specialize in marketing research. You can also become a freelancer in this type of activity, offer your services yourself, since the Internet has made the search in the market for vacancies and services very simple and fast. Search for similar offers and vacancies in social networks and on hh portals, and you will understand what services and at what prices you can provide. By the way, you can be a mystery shopper in your free time, thus earning some money for something you have long desired.