Can't concentrate on your job duties and sadly look out the window, imagining freedom from routine affairs? Or maybe unforeseen circumstances have arisen, personal affairs require at least a couple of weeks of vacation? Let's consider the possibilities and chances of getting favor from the authorities in this matter.

Step 1
Put yourself in the shoes of your boss. Who would you be able to replace the missing employee with who could continue to carry out work duties for you? It is possible that there is a possibility to suspend their implementation for the period of your long absence.
Step 2
If you have such a person in mind, talk to him personally in your free time from work, ask to replace you. By enlisting his support, you will increase your own chances. As an example, you can give a situation when you need to exchange periods of next vacation with another employee.
Step 3
Write a statement to the name of your supervisor or temporary substitute. State in writing your request for leave and a good reason for doing so. Tell us about your vision of this issue and prove that the work will not suffer during your absence. Provide additional arguments that characterize you not as a demanding person, but as a compromise person. Now you can go "on the carpet" to the authorities.
Step 4
Be attentive to the mood of the responsible supervisor who makes a decision on the issue of interest to you. His good or bad mood significantly affects the likelihood of dealing with the situation, deciding it in your favor. Do not come up with requests for such a personal plan during active "burning" work, before lunch or shortly before the end of working hours.
Step 5
In a conversation, be polite, briefly tell about the situation - everything that you stated in writing. Do not communicate from the position of a victim of circumstances, do not give a hint by behavior that you will be upset by a refusal. It should be noted that if the vacation is extraordinary, including at your own expense, then arguments like the desire to splash by the water on a warm shore or lie on the couch and forget about work will not be your allies. Most likely, on the contrary, they will present you as uninterested in work.