A sickness certificate is a document that helps you not to find unnecessary problems at work due to absenteeism. Only in order to be accepted in the accounting and personnel department, it must be filled out very carefully, and most importantly - correctly. Therefore, carefully check all the information that is contained in your document on temporary disability.

Step 1
Be sure to indicate in the upper right corner in what form this certificate is issued. Because one is discharged to visit the pool, and another is prescribed to confirm a previous illness. In your case, the certificate must be issued in the form of either 095 or 027. Moreover, these forms were also approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. A certificate filled out in form 095 is issued in cases where there is a short-term illness for a period of up to 10 days. Form 027 for those cases when the disease lasts about a month.
Step 2
Each certificate is filled out on a separate pre-printed form, where the main fields are entered, in which you need to enter information on a specific person. Each form must be assigned a serial number. This is necessary so that doctors can account for each issued certificate.
Step 3
Next, check if your surname, name, patronymic, date of birth are present and correct in the certificate. In addition, the form must contain your diagnosis and the date from which the temporary disability began. Despite the fact that this is a certificate, the date from which a person can start his duties or attend an educational institution is also indicated here.
Step 4
The certificate must be signed directly by the attending physician who observes you and is aware of the course of your disease. Also check that you have all the required seals. The form usually has a rectangular stamp of the hospital where you are being observed and where you received a certificate. It contains the full details of the medical institution and its contact details, as well as a profile. The second seal belongs directly to the doctor who deals with you. It is round. And the third is triangular to confirm sick leave.
Step 5
If all these conditions are met, feel free to carry your certificate to work and start performing your official duties.