How To Discharge From A Privatized Apartment

How To Discharge From A Privatized Apartment
How To Discharge From A Privatized Apartment

Table of contents:


It is much easier to dismiss a citizen from a privatized apartment than from a non-privatized one. If a person is the owner of a home, then he can dispose of his property at his own discretion, including demanding the discharge of another person.

How to discharge from a privatized apartment
How to discharge from a privatized apartment


Passport or power of attorney, documents for the apartment, statement of discharge, receipt of payment of duty, documents that confirm the circumstances necessary for eviction, a court decision


Step 1

If a citizen who is registered in your apartment and does not have any share of the living space, agrees to voluntarily refuse to register, then ask him to write a statement. Submit the application to the passport office along with your passport and a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office (for a man).

Step 2

If there is no application, then the discharge occurs only through the court. In this case, go to court with a corresponding statement.

Step 3

If you have compelling reasons for the prompt release of a citizen, document them (remove the beatings, if a person hit you, collect extracts from the police, statements from neighbors). Go to court with all the documents, compelling arguments increase the chances of an early resolution of the problem.

Step 4

If you want guardianship and a board of trustees and get an Eviction Permit Certificate.
