The situation when a person you trust acts on your behalf is very common from transferring the right to drive a car to receiving money and carrying out real estate transactions. In these specific cases, attorneys act by power of attorney - a written document issued on behalf of one person to another representing his interests.

Step 1
Before issuing a document to anyone, be aware that this document unilaterally fixes the content and boundaries of the powers of the trustee, determines his rights and obligations to the trustee. Powers of attorney differ from each other in terms of the scope of powers and are subdivided into one-time, special and general (general).
Step 2
Identify an attorney. Only capable adult citizens and legal entities can be trusted persons.
Step 3
Specify which form of power of attorney you need to issue. Each type of power of attorney usually has a special form, which are presented in notary offices. The power of attorney is issued exclusively in writing. Sometimes it is enough to just write it by hand for it to be considered valid (for example, a trust in a motor vehicle management). You can also print the document, but with your own hand put down the date and signature. If a trusted person is far away from you, you can use telegraph, fax or e-mail.
Step 4
Contact a notary if your type of power of attorney requires notarization. Provide the employee with your civil passport, documents defining your powers in relation to the entrusted (documents of ownership, if you transfer property to management; statement of claim, if you transfer the right to legal representation, etc.).
Step 5
The power of attorney is drawn up on a special form and certified by the signature and seal of the notary. If you issue a power of attorney, you must accurately and fully reflect the powers of your representative, the name of the institution and the actions performed in it on your behalf.
Step 6
Mandatory element - information about the principal and the date it was compiled. A power of attorney is a registered document issued to one or more proxies. And it can be issued by one or more persons. The principal determines the term of the power of attorney, which, however, in any case, is limited to three years. The power of attorney, in which the period is not specified, is valid for a year. As an exception, it is allowed to issue perpetual powers of attorney to perform actions outside Russia.