The main requirements for advertising, the rights and obligations of organizations distributing it, are enshrined in a special federal law. These requirements can be divided into three main groups: general rules, restrictions on the distribution of advertisements and measures to protect minors from certain advertisements.

The current legislation clearly regulates the rights, obligations of advertisers, requirements for the distribution of the advertisement itself. At the same time, the specified regulation is built on the prohibitive principle, in which the law establishes a number of restrictions, and all actions that do not apply to these prohibitions are permitted. Thus, you can only distribute bona fide, reliable advertising. In addition, advertising materials should not call for violence or illegal actions. Certain expressions and visuals (such as smoking or drinking) are prohibited in advertisements. The use of profanities or the use of hidden advertising is also not allowed.
Restrictions by product groups
The legislator also defined an exhaustive list of goods that are completely prohibited from advertising in any way. This prohibition includes narcotic drugs, explosive and psychotropic substances, human organs, tissues (when presented as objects for sale). If registration, licensing or certification is required for the sale of certain groups of products, then their advertising is not allowed without first going through the relevant procedures and obtaining the necessary documents. A separate ban is established for all tobacco products, related devices, as well as for services related to early artificial termination of pregnancy.
Measures for the protection of minors
A significant part of the restrictions for advertisers is associated with the need to protect the rights and interests of minors who may come across certain advertising. Thus, it is forbidden to form negative images of parents and educators in minors, to create in them a wrong idea of the availability of goods, to urge them to convince their parents in order to acquire the latter of the advertised goods and services. In addition, restrictions are imposed on such advertising materials that can form an inferiority complex in children or present minors themselves in any life-threatening, health-threatening situation. Special requirements and restrictions, violation of which will lead to the imposition of punishment, are provided separately for each existing type of advertising.