Many people dream of becoming a movie star. But to pass the casting is not an easy task. The applicant for the role needs an understanding of what is required of him at the casting, how to behave and what to expect from this process.

It should be remembered that a large number of people are invited to auditions. That is, among them you need to stand out with something, be remembered by the director or casting manager. Applicants wait for some time until they are called, which in itself is psychological pressure. When the turn comes, they are invited one by one or in groups to a special room where the commission is located. There may be cameras, so you need to prepare for such a situation in advance.
At the casting, applicants are invited to tell about themselves, asked questions, and may be asked to demonstrate their skills. The main rule here: to feel relaxed and confident, not to be afraid of anything and not to be shy, to show everything that the future actor is capable of. Questions can be asked a variety of: about education, professional activity, hobbies, talents. Or they may ask unexpectedly or out of place, for example, about school, favorite movie or hero. In this case, you need to react quickly, do not get stuck and do not hesitate over the answer. The director and casting manager hardly cares what you answer, they will judge your reaction and responsiveness.
At the beginning of the casting, almost always take a few minutes to meet the candidate. When commission members are asked to tell about themselves, it is necessary to place emphasis on really important things: height, weight, education, was there any experience of working as an actor, in what projects. There is no need to go into details and biography, usually the commission is not interested in this.
During the casting, psychological questions may also follow, for example, "What are your positive and negative qualities." It is better to prepare for this in advance, so that reflections on qualities do not be confused. It is not worth answering that there are no negative qualities, this is an indicator of the absence of critical thinking and a reason to question the adequacy of the applicant.
During the casting, each statement of talent or skill must be backed up with action: sing, dance, or demonstrate martial arts. Without proof, this is just chatter. And when a candidate shows his true skills, it makes him stand out from others and makes him memorable.
After reviewing the candidates or footage, the director or producer decides on the recruitment of actors. You can only congratulate a candidate on a future role after signing a film contract.