Service letters at enterprises occupy 80% of the total workflow of incoming and outgoing correspondence and have many varieties. One of the types of service letters is an information letter, in which one organization informs another about the types of products, services offered and other information that should be presented in writing.

It is necessary
- - company documents;
- - seal of the organization;
- - details of the addressee;
- - attached documents;
- - Russian legislation;
- - a pen;
- - A4 paper.
Step 1
In the upper left corner, the document must contain the stamp of the company that makes up the information letter. If the organization does not have one, enter the full name of the company in accordance with the constituent documents, other documents (when the compiler is a state or municipal enterprise) or the last name, first name, patronymic of an individual in accordance with an identity document, if the legal form of the company - individual entrepreneur. Write in full the address of the location of the organization (postal code, region, city, town, street name, house, building, office number) or the address of the place of residence of an individual (if the OPF of the compiling company is an individual entrepreneur). Indicate the contact telephone number, fax number (if available).
Step 2
In the upper right corner, fill in the addressee's details. Enter the name of the position held by the head of the company, his surname, initials in the dative case, indicate the address of the location of the enterprise, institution, place of residence of an individual (if the organization's OPF is an individual entrepreneur).
Step 3
In the content of the newsletter, write the essence of the message about any event, the appearance of types of products, services offered or other information that you want to bring to the attention of the addressee. Indicate the date of the event, the list of goods, services and other data that are relevant to the message in the service letter. If you need to inform the addressee about the event that will be held in this company, or, for example, the sale of shares, the share of one of the company's participants, make a link to the administrative document of the organization or draft law. Usually the first part of the letter consists of the reasons for drawing up the document, the second - of the conclusions, proposals. If a list of goods, services or an administrative document of the enterprise is attached to the information letter, indicate the names of the documents.
Step 4
Indicate the name of the position held by the person who draws up the service letter, his surname, initials. Certify the document with the seal of the organization. The right to sign the information letter has the employee on whose behalf it was written. This can be a director of a company, or the head of a certain structural unit.