The legislation establishes the norms of the time it takes an employee to perform his work duties. Working time norms are stipulated in a formalized employment contract, labor regulations and professional (job) instructions.

The concept of working hours of normal duration
The usual length of time at work is determined by the law and the Labor Code of the country. The main generally accepted norms in the workflow are the shift and the week. Based on the articles of the Labor Code, the working week must be up to 40 hours. This time norm is the limit in the interval of the calendar week.
The main types of the working week are: five days, providing 2 days off, and six days - 1 day off. The main work schedule at enterprises provides for 5 working days. But there are organizations in which the application of such a norm is impractical or impossible. Educational institutions that distribute emotional and physical stress in accordance with established physiological standards use a six-day work week. This also includes enterprises operating in the service sector (shops, shopping centers, service providers), government agencies. The number of hours in this case is distributed proportionally to all days of the working period.
Special time norms
The legislation also provides for other types of working time rationing for special categories - these are reduced and part-time working hours.
Shorter working hours mean a work period shorter than usual, but with full pay. A shortened working week is legally provided for certain categories of persons. For working adolescents under 16 years of age, the working period cannot exceed 24 hours a week. A person between the ages of 16 and 18 can work up to 35 hours. For students who are studying full-time and work in parallel in their free time, 50% of the time limit provided for workers of the same age is set.
There are special standards for people with disabilities - disabled people of I and II groups. A maximum time limit is set for them - up to 35 working hours per week.
Employees who are involved in hazardous and harmful work have the right to apply the norms of reduced working hours. The enterprise compiles lists of positions and professions that are involved in hazardous industries, and on their basis, a 36-hour working week is established.
A part-time rate has many similarities to a reduced rate. It also has a shorter than normal duration, but it is accepted and formalized by an employment agreement between the employee and the organization. Work with an incomplete schedule must be drawn up in writing, only then it will have legal force. Usually this time rate is used for part-time work. Individual norms and schedule are specially approved for them.