An injury, or an industrial accident, is an injury that an employee received while performing his job duties on the employer's territory (or on the way to it). Another main symptom of an occupational injury is temporary or permanent loss of working capacity or death of the injured person. In order to prevent such an outcome, each employee of the enterprise should familiarize himself with the safety rules when applying for work.

Step 1
When applying for a new job or transferring to new equipment, ask the foreman or supervisor to familiarize you with the special safety requirements applicable to this job. The general rules are the same: memorize them once and just refresh your memory when you change jobs.
Step 2
Check your workplace, make sure that all the equipment with which you will be in contact is in good working order. Make sure that there are no exposed electrical wiring or other life-threatening objects around. The lighting in the workplace should be such that the light does not dazzle. If the electrical equipment is faulty and it is not your responsibility to repair it, inform the supervisor or shift supervisor, do not open the doors of the electrical cabinet on your own initiative and do not touch the terminals and wires.
Step 3
Put on work clothes and shoes. Make sure that parts of the fabric, for example, the belt of the robe, do not hang down, much less drag along the ground. Always use a mining or construction safety helmet. The helmet must be free of cracks and dents: every day before the start of the working day, inspect the helmet for possible damage.
Step 4
Do not go into the back rooms where it says "No unauthorized entry". Try not to stay in unlit areas of the enterprise and at the loading points, especially under a raised load. On railway tracks and crossings, wait for the train to pass, do not cross the road in front of it. Learn all kinds of signals from truck drivers, machinists and crane operators.
Step 5
When lifting a load to a great height, first raise it a little and make sure that all fasteners are in working order and do not pose a danger. When installing large-sized parts on the assembly table, first check that there are no slippery areas, chips or other damage on the table.