In our country, the profession of a pilot is considered one of the most prestigious and honorable. It is not for nothing that a lot of literary and musical works are dedicated to her, praising the heroes of the pilots. These conquerors of the sky at all times, including the present, inspired envy in men and fire in the eyes of women by their very presence nearby. However, for those who want to devote their lives to this profession, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with all the difficulties that await applicants on the way to achieving the cherished goal.

One of the most prestigious professions in the world, including our country, is a pilot. It is the pilots who fly all types of aircraft. These include airplanes, airliners, helicopters and other types of aerial vehicles. It is interesting that until relatively recently (during the Second World War and some time after it), only representatives of civil aviation were called pilots, while it was pilots who served in the Air Force. Such a division into "castes" is no longer relevant today because of the rather blurred boundaries in this area of activity. However, the very classification into civilian and military pilots, of course, remains. Moreover, there is also a separate category of test pilots, whose activities bear a special, exceptional character of heroism.
In addition, a separate hierarchy is applied on the aircraft themselves. Thus, the first pilot is the captain of the vessel, and the second pilot is considered his deputy. On modern large liners, the position of a navigator is also provided. Therefore, a young specialist who has just graduated from a specialized educational institution, his professional path to the command chair will take into account the probationary period, the existing continuity on this type of aircraft and individual qualifications.

Currently, in our country, the profession of a pilot can be obtained in flight schools, where you need to enter after graduating from a general educational institution. And, of course, a potential aviator needs to clearly understand what kind of specialization he wants to get, since for different pilots (civilian, military or test pilot), there are correspondingly different universities.
civil Aviation
Currently, the professional activity of a civil aviation pilot in our country is paid at the highest level. The monthly income of these specialists has the lowest level of 70 thousand rubles. And the most highly paid specialists receive salaries of up to 450 thousand rubles. However, in order to join this profession and become a bearer of a beautiful shape and the owner of all the thematic privileges, becoming a representative of a prestigious airline, you must undergo training at an aviation club or flight school.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that training in the aviation club will provide an opportunity for an applicant for the flying profession to get into the cockpit of only a small aircraft. And the rest must be trained in one of the following universities in the country:
- Moscow Aviation Institute;
- St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation;
- Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation.
To enter these flight universities, you must pass exams in mathematics, Russian language and physics, as well as pass the corresponding standard for physical education and pass a medical examination. After graduation, a novice civil aviation pilot will be able to obtain a commercial pilot license and join the airline.
Russian Air Force pilots protect the peaceful sky over the heads of compatriots
Military aviation attracts many promising young people with its prestige. But only a few of the applicants for this illustrious profession will be able to achieve the desired result. After all, only people who are strong in spirit and in body are able to conquer the obstacles standing on this thorny path. First of all, you will need to overcome the difficulty of entering a thematic university and studying there. It is important to understand that the control of a combat aircraft equipped with the most modern types of technical equipment and weapons represents a very high level of qualification. You will also have to master the tactics of action in combat conditions, associated with a threat to their own lives.

It should be understood that combat aircraft is subdivided into the following types of aircraft: fighters, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, military transport aircraft, combat helicopters and auxiliary aircraft. Therefore, even before the very process of training, it is necessary to clearly define the specifics of the upcoming service in the Russian Air Force.
And the very process of mastering a prestigious specialty can be carried out in two ways.
Firstly, you can express your desire to serve in the Air Force of the Russian Federation when registering with the military commissariat. If the physical condition and level of intellectual training of the conscript correspond to the conscript, he will most likely be sent to the appropriate military unit. However, there is simply no one hundred percent guarantee in this case.
The most reliable way to get the coveted specialty is to enter a military aviation school after receiving a certificate of secondary education. The list of such flight universities in our country is quite wide, which makes it possible to make a choice even on a territorial basis. However, the most prestigious is the Air Force Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin.
When choosing such a heroic profession, everyone entering a military flying university should clearly realize that subsequent service in the Russian Air Force may require a future aviator to take part in hostilities. And this is directly related to the threat to their own lives and the use of weapons in order to defeat the equipment and manpower of the enemy. It is this tough factor that, as a rule, is fundamental when pilots leave their military careers. It must always be remembered that a military pilot is primarily a defender of the Fatherland and a participant in many military operations.
Test pilots
A rather rare and honorable profession of a test pilot, it can rightfully be considered a heroic one. After all, only the best aviators are among the truly elite. These celestial aces, who have proven themselves well in the profession even at the stage of military pilots, become test pilots only after a serious track record. At least five years of impeccable service on modern combat aircraft, as a rule, become that necessary standard confirming the real high qualifications of a pilot applying for a test position.

The main task of the test pilot is the practical testing of new aviation technology in real conditions. Moreover, these heroic pilots must not only cope with the management of the latest developments in the aviation industry, but also, most importantly, identify possible shortcomings and shortcomings of designers and manufacturers. Indeed, only after the appropriate tests, new models of aviation equipment enter serial production and operation. And the cost of the issue here is equal to many human lives and financial resources. This profession is associated with an immediate risk to life, because it is the test pilots who are the first to take on all possible nuances in practical tests, which are carried out at extreme speeds and under extreme loads associated with testing maneuverability.
Obvious advantages and costs of the profession
Of course, the profession of a pilot in our country today is the embodiment of special prestige and pride. Moreover, this factor is very harmoniously combined with decent wages, which is also important. It is well known that many pilots get the real pleasure associated with the adrenaline rush when flying an airplane. In addition, many pilots receive the opportunity to see many countries around the world as a bonus. Naturally, this applies primarily to civil aviation pilots who work for major airlines.
But there is, as they say, the "reverse side of the coin" associated with a significant risk to life and health.