Rospotrebnadzor is a consumer protection service. According to the federal law of December 26, 2008, this organization is obliged to subject various enterprises to mandatory checks. How and what do employees check?

Step 1
Scheduled inspections are carried out every three years, and you need to prepare for them responsibly. Enterprises, one way or another related to medicine and education, are subject to such an audit more often - once every two years. Local authorities of Rospotrebnadzor notify about the upcoming visit three days before it. A detailed schedule of inspections can be found on the website of the prosecutor's office of any region.
Step 2
Unscheduled inspections, as a rule, are carried out when citizens file a complaint about violation of their consumer rights. In the event of an epidemic or mass poisoning, an unscheduled check is carried out urgently - often without warning.
Step 3
To check Rospotrebnadzor, be sure to make sure that there are price tags on all goods, a price list signed by the authorities and a sign drawn up in accordance with all the rules.
Step 4
Post manufacturer / supplier information in a prominent place. Check if everything is in order with the consumer's corner, if it contains the necessary documents, emergency phone numbers and a book of complaints and suggestions.
Step 5
Check the availability and status of documentation. Rospotrebnadzor always checks a business license, a lease agreement (or a certificate of ownership of the premises used), medical books with confirmation of the passage of medical examinations by employees, sanitary-epidemiological and expert opinions.
Step 6
Don't forget about the sanitary inspection log as well. It is important for medical institutions to have an agreement with an organization that launches uniforms.
Step 7
During a documentary check, the reliability of the information specified in the papers is determined. In case of doubt, an employee of Rospotrebnadzor has the right to request additional documents from an entrepreneur or legal entity.
Step 8
Any check by Rospotrebnadzor necessarily involves an inspection of the premises for compliance with the norms of the total footage. The heights of window and door openings are also measured.
Step 9
Employees check the quality of lighting and compliance with sanitary standards both in the premises and in the surrounding areas.
Step 10
Of course, the quality of the goods is assessed, first of all - the shelf life of the products and the integrity of the packaging. For this, test purchases are often carried out.
Step 11
Based on the results of the check, a protocol is drawn up. If violations are found, the perpetrators are issued an order to eliminate them or a fine in the amount of twenty to two hundred thousand rubles.