Today, most people think that opening a restaurant is not at all difficult: not so much financial resources are needed for this, and the business will be surprisingly pleasant. Despite all this, the restaurant business is quite complex and has its own specifics. To open a truly successful business, you need to know all the intricacies of this business. If you nevertheless decide to open a restaurant, then you need to do everything in stages and efficiently.

1. The first step is to decide where exactly the restaurant will be located. This is really quite an important aspect, since the wrong place can ruin your business. The best place to build a restaurant would be a place close to a potential consumer, that is, next to his work or home. It is important that there are as few competitors as possible in the vicinity, and if there were, then their restaurant establishments should have a completely different category.
2. The next step is to complete all the necessary documents for the property. Unfortunately, this is a long process that can take six months. Of course, buying a room will be much easier than renting it, but it is quite expensive. Regardless of the fact that you are buying or renting premises, you must register the ownership or lease agreement for it. Registration of such rights takes about a month, and to collect all the necessary documents for this registration you may need even more time. All other nuances about the premises can be found out from a lawyer.
3. Once the premises are found, you can develop the menu and image of your restaurant. The menu should accurately describe all the dishes you offer, and the exact price for them should be nearby. It must be remembered that the menu entirely depends on the concept of the restaurant. The menu must be drawn up by a chef who must be hired at least 2 months before the opening of the restaurant.
4. Now you can buy equipment and hire staff. All utensils and equipment for work can be bought with the help of specialists - this will significantly reduce costs. It should be remembered that dishes for a restaurant are much different from homemade ones. But the staff can be hired through recruiting agencies that specialize in the restaurant business. Thus, you can hire people outside of your city, and sometimes even foreigners. But it is worth remembering that such people require a fairly high salary.