When a family is crumbling, it seems that the last thing you think about is money and property. Emotions overwhelm, earthly affairs seem insignificant. Only those who are able to keep a sober head at this crisis moment have a chance to protect themselves in the future from troubles - both material and moral.

Read the provisions of Article 34 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, this federal constitutional law clearly states what exactly you have the right to do. All property acquired during the marriage is a common joint property. This rule is imperative and cannot be changed. If you have any income from labor, entrepreneurial activity, you will have to share with your spouse if he files an appropriate claim in court.
Pensions, benefits, bonuses, material assistance are also divided in half. Movable and immovable property acquired for general income will need to be divided equally, the same rule applies to shares in the capital of one of the spouses, deposits, etc. However, if you have an apartment, house, dacha, car that belonged to you before the wedding, you can be sure that no one will take them away and will not divide them. All personal gifts are guaranteed to remain in your property.
In all disputable situations, the proceedings take place in court. There, during the hearing, you can file statements of claim and petitions. Be sure to keep an eye on the statute of limitations, in divorce cases it is three years. After this time, you will not be able to claim the property of your ex-spouse. If you manage to agree, draw up a contract-agreement, this document can be notarized.
If finances allow, you can hire a lawyer, he will represent your interests in court, help you defend your rights and explain your responsibilities. In addition, the specialist will competently draw up the documents, you just have to sign them. And, if this happens, only a lawyer will be able to help reveal through the court the hidden income of your spouse.