After the death of a person, questions related to the inheritance of his property may become acute. Potential applicants for the property of the deceased should not only know the types of inheritance, but also understand the procedure for registering it.

Civil code, death certificate of a person
Step 1
Study the current legislation in terms of types of inheritance. The property can pass to the heirs both by law and by will. All relatives of the deceased are heirs by law to one degree or another. Depending on the degree of kinship, several queues for inheritance are established: first, second, third, etc. Each of the queues inherits strictly after the previous one. According to the will, people who do not belong to the relatives of the deceased can also receive property. In addition, a will can be drawn up in favor of legal entities or the state. Inheritance by testament has advantages over inheritance by law.
Step 2
Come to the notary to accept the inheritance. To do this, write one of two possible applications: the acceptance of the inheritance or the issuance of a certificate of the right to inheritance. This must be done within 6 months that have passed since the death of the person. Within this period, a person can also give up his inheritance (both in whole and in a certain part of it) in favor of other heirs or third parties. If the allotted time is missed, it can be renewed in court or with the consent of all other heirs. In the latter case, the notary annuls the old inheritance certificate and draws up a new one.
Step 3
When choosing a notary to formalize your inheritance, remember these rules. The inheritance is opened at the last place of residence of the deceased. If it is unknown, then to receive the inheritance, you should go to the notary in the territory of the property or the most expensive part of it.
Step 4
Take a certificate of inheritance from a notary. It is drawn up no earlier than 6 months after the death of a person. A notary can issue either one certificate for all heirs, or draw up a separate document for each heir for a part of the property belonging to him personally.
Step 5
If the rights to property received by inheritance are subject to registration, register your ownership in the required state registers. Please note that the rights to the property exist with the heir from the moment of the death of the testator.