The criminal legislation of the Russian Federation allows to declare amnesty for any articles and crimes without any restrictions. Specific criteria for declaring amnesty are determined in a special resolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The most widespread method of release from serving a sentence is amnesty, as a result of which thousands of prisoners are released. However, it is not easy to get amnesty, since the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which is legally granted the right to use this type of exemption, determines numerous criteria for applicants. There are no restrictions on specific elements of crimes for the application of the amnesty, but in a special resolution the authorized body establishes such rules. In addition, other factors directly related to the personality of the prisoner (gender, health, age, behavior) act as mandatory criteria.
What restrictions on articles can be established under the amnesty?
Amnesty is announced by a special resolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, in which you can find specific parameters for prisoners applying for early release. So, when announcing an amnesty for the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (2013), the authorized body established that those prisoners who were found guilty of participation in mass riots, calls for them, hooliganism, violation of traffic rules should be released early from serving their sentences, operation of vehicles. Other criteria for declaring amnesty were not related to specific offenses, as they were developed taking into account the specific characteristics of prisoners.
What criteria must be met for release under the amnesty?
The main features that are developed for those wishing to get amnesty for convicted persons are gender, age, state of health, the presence of minor children and a number of others. So, in the mentioned decree on the announcement of amnesty for the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it was separately mentioned about the release from serving punishment of pregnant women, prisoners of retirement age, disabled people and other persons. At the same time, a list of grave crimes was indicated, in the commission of which the prisoner could not count on amnesty. So, if a retired prisoner committed murder, causing grievous bodily harm that caused death, another serious crime, then under the amnesty he could not be released, despite meeting one of the criteria for release.