It is known that buying real estate is a very expensive pleasure, so many people buy an apartment just once in their life. However, there are many cases when new apartment owners have to challenge the rights to the apartment they have bought in court, as a result of which they waste their money and time. That is why, before you buy real estate, it is worth checking it for legal purity, then in the future you will avoid problems with challenging the rights to it in court. Before signing the sales contract, the following should be done:

Step 1
Check with the seller of the apartment for the availability of such documents as passport, title deeds and documents confirming the right to the apartment. Pay attention to the fact that all passport data, namely the seller's photo, spelling of the surname, page numbering, as well as all seals and stamps, are clear and not blurry. All this also applies to the documents confirming the ownership of this apartment.
Step 2
Check your passport data with the data specified in the title deeds and documents confirming the right to the apartment. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that all data must match 100% without exception. Compare the address data, which is indicated in the documents for the apartment, with the actual location and location of this apartment.
Step 3
Order a certificate from the BTI, which will indicate the exact technical characteristics of the apartment, namely, the number of rooms, footage, floor, as well as the location of the rooms.
Step 4
Order an extract from the USRR, from which you will find out who is currently the legal owner of the apartment, whether arrests or claims from third parties are possible.
Step 5
Request an extended extract from the USRR and the house register, as well as an archival extract from the house book from the seller of the apartment, thereby you can find out the exact chronology of the change of owners in this apartment.
Step 6
After you have made sure that the apartment you like is legally “clean”, also check how often this apartment was sold. Perhaps there are good reasons for changing its owners, for example, bad neighbors or something that you will not see the first time. In order to learn more about it, talk to your neighbors, they will definitely tell the whole truth about this apartment. When all the moments are settled, you can safely conclude a sale and purchase of this apartment. However, do not forget that in the purchase and sale agreement it is necessary to indicate the exact amount of the purchase of the apartment, in order to avoid unnecessary problems.