How To Appeal Actions

How To Appeal Actions
How To Appeal Actions

Table of contents:


The right of citizens to appeal to various state organizations, including with complaints about certain illegal actions, is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. And everything related to working with such documents is spelled out in the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation". In particular, this law obliges within a month from the date of receipt of the appeal to respond to its author.

How to appeal actions
How to appeal actions


  • - computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - texts of laws, depending on the situation;
  • - printer (optional);
  • - a postal envelope and a receipt receipt form (optional).


Step 1

Determine who you are addressing your appeal to. So, a complaint about illegal actions of an official should be addressed to an organization that is one step higher in the departmental vertical than the one where the official who violated your rights works. The seller - to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor at the location of the store, the bank clerk - to the regional department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Step 2

Most of the official documents include a so-called “header”. This is the upper part of it, which contains information about where the document is addressed, by whom and how to contact the author. In the absence of all these data in the complaint, the law allows not to consider it. If you know the name and position of the official to whom you are applying, indicate his position in the first line, and his surname and initials in the second. But this is not necessary, the name of the organization is enough. It is obligatory to indicate your surname, name and patronymic in full in the genitive case (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich) and postal address with a zip code. If the addresses of registration at the place of residence and actual residence do not coincide, write both with the appropriate explanations. A phone number with a code is optional, but desirable.

Step 3

In the traditions of office work that have existed since Soviet times, it is customary to place the "cap" in the upper right corner of the sheet. Now it is not necessary, it is also possible in the left one. If you want to do it on the right, use tabs instead of the text alignment option. A liberal approach to the document title now: it is not necessary to center align. The first line of the title is written, usually in large letters, the word "COMPLAINT". In the second - “on illegal actions …”. Next, indicate whose actions you will appeal against: surname, position, place of work. If you don't have this information, it's okay. It is enough to indicate the "official" or "employee", "employee" and the organization.

Step 4

Now state the essence of the appeal. State in chronological order all the facts relevant to the case: who initiated the contact - you or the organization, what issue did you need to contact there, what did the person whose actions you are complaining about, what exactly does not suit you and on what basis. looks like a document where the author refers to specific provisions of the law, which, in his opinion, contradict the contested actions. When describing, it is better to avoid emotions, evaluative statements: the one who will read will make certain conclusions himself. In a situation where evaluation cannot be avoided, emphasize that you are only expressing your point of view (“I consider actions illegal,” etc.).

Step 5

State what you are asking the addressee of the complaint about. As a rule, a complaint involves checking the facts set out in it and taking, based on its results, measures provided for by the current legislation: both in terms of the implementation of the violated rights of a citizen and the punishment of those responsible. If you are attaching documents to the complaint, at the end, list them in a numbered list with the name of each and the number of sheets. When you print out the finished complaint, do not forget to sign it. If you send it through the online application form on the organization's website, this is not required.

Step 6

You can take the printed complaint to the organization personally. In this case, make a photocopy of it and all attached documents and ask that a mark of acceptance be made on the second copy.

You can also mail it. It will be safer to accompany the letter with a notification of its delivery (the form is bought at the post office, filled in by the sender and submitted to the post office operator along with the letter).
