An idea is a new thought aimed at a problem that is urgent for the author. By its nature, an idea is the result of intellectual activity, but copyright does not apply to it (clause 5 of article 1249 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). However, in some cases it is advisable to defend the idea. To protect the idea, you should use its description - copyright applies to the description of the idea and you can use it.

Step 1
There are several ways to protect the copyright of a work. This is notarization, sending a copy of the work to yourself by mail, registering with independent organizations. All of these methods are also suitable for describing ideas. Moreover, the last method is the simplest and most effective. The essence of these methods is an objective fixation of the existence of a work (presence of an idea) and authorship of a work (idea) at a given moment in time.
Thus, to start defending an idea, you will need a text describing the idea and an organization where you can register / deposit the description.
Step 2
The text describing the idea should reflect its essence. When compiling the text, one must take into account that the publication of an idea does not prohibit its practical use, but only confirms the authorship. In other words, such a publication only gives you an image advantage. Nevertheless, these benefits can be effectively used in marketing and business development.
Step 3
For depositing and registering an idea (description of an idea), you should not choose the first organization that comes across. You should choose a specialized, preferably non-profit, organization. In this case, it is better to choose an organization that not only carries out registration, but also conducts publication. Such a publication on the site is an operational confirmation of copyright.
Step 4
After deposition and publication, it is imperative to obtain supporting documents in hard copy. These documents must contain the certified text of the work (description of the idea), the name / pseudonym of the author, the date of receipt for registration and the date of publication, details - the name of the organization that issued the document.