How To Make Money On Articles

How To Make Money On Articles
How To Make Money On Articles

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The training is complete, you are now a graduate. But where are those employers who have lined up with job offers for a "newly minted" specialist? They do not exist, and in order to find a job in a specialty without experience, you need to make a lot of efforts that do not guarantee a positive result. In this case, work on the Internet will come in handy (it's better than waving a broomstick with a diploma in your pocket). One of its varieties is making money on articles.

How to make money on articles
How to make money on articles


Step 1

There are several ways to make money on articles: 1. writing and selling articles; 2. writing articles for your site in order to promote it; 3. Paid placement of articles with backlinks on your site This is not a complete list of possible options. Let us dwell only on the first, as the most universal. It will not require from you either your own website, or any special knowledge of the webmaster, or material costs.

Step 2

So, you are determined to write articles with the aim of further sale. To do this, you need Internet access, basic knowledge of the Russian language and a little creative imagination. Where to start: Start by writing an article. The text editor Word will help you with this, which unobtrusively corrects most errors and typos. Go to the first article with all your attention, because how you sell it will determine whether you want to continue doing this craft. Choose a topic for a future article. You should be familiar with it and, what is important, interesting to a potential reader. There is no need to write about the structure of a locomotive wheelset - who will read it? But if you share your impressions of a recently purchased camera or, for example, a vacuum cleaner, there will be plenty of people who want to read your opus. When you have decided on the topic, read what others write about it. Do not try to copy the texts you like - plagiarism will be exposed, and you will be punished, up to and including blocking your account. To make it easier to write, sketch out a plan for a future article. The more detailed it is, the easier it will be to write the article. First, give a few words of introduction. Here you need to talk about the goals, objectives, reasons for writing the article, and then the general part. In it, you need to reveal the topic. If you decide to write about a camera, rate its appearance, tell us how it made you happy, what properties did not meet expectations, how you use it, etc.

At the end of the article - a conclusion, conclusions, advice. The article is ready.

Step 3

Check the article more than once, read it out loud. So all the flaws and shortcomings will be more clearly visible.

After that, you need to check it for uniqueness. For this, there are special programs (anti-plagiarism) that you need to install on your computer, or check the article online. The uniqueness should be high enough, not less than 90%. If below, try to improve the article.

Step 4

The next step is selling the article. To do this, there are a large number of text exchanges where you can easily do this. You can find the one you need by placing a query in any search engine. As a result of the search, you will get a fairly large list. Take a good look at it, read the reviews on the forum and select the article store you like the most. The first thing that will ask you to do on the website of the text exchange is to register. Enter your username, email address and password. Further steps vary from site to site. Somewhere you will be asked to complete a test task. But in most cases, you will almost immediately have access to posting articles for sale. To begin with, set the price not very high based on the average price per thousand decimal places.

Step 5

After verification, your article will go on sale. Now all that remains is to wait. Remember, you are a beginner, so the process of selling an article can take a long time, because the competition on the network is high. But sooner or later your brainchild will be bought. In the meantime, "court and case" - get down to the next article. The more you work, the faster you will take your niche in this business. If you are lucky, you will find a customer, and your earnings will become stable.
