The global economic crisis, rising unemployment and high competition for jobs are forcing an increasing number of people to look for alternative sources of income. And more and more attention is paid to the possibilities that the most ordinary computer can provide in this regard. Indeed, even a person with minimal computer skills can, if desired, find a small part-time job on it. What can we say about those who are highly qualified and have free access to the Internet.

Step 1
Before trying to make money using a computer, you need to determine for yourself what you can do professionally, what services you can offer potential clients. For example, you are a qualified accountant and can easily handle the most complex quarterly reports and balance sheets. Consequently, there will certainly be owners of small firms and individual entrepreneurs who cannot afford to keep the chief accountant on a permanent staff, but it is necessary to keep accounting records. Here is a whole promising area of work for you. It is enough to view the ads or give your own.
Step 2
The same will be true if you know how to program, draw in graphic editors, make up websites, make translations, write selling texts and articles. The only question is to find reliable customer partners and establish cooperation with them. This can be done either through specialized freelance exchanges such as,,, Or on large webmaster forums like or But remember that professionals are valued on these resources, so you will first have to prove your reputation and experience for some time by establishing business connections
Step 3
What about those who, due to age or life circumstances, do not have any special skills and successful projects? There are two options: either study hard, gain knowledge and experience, create a portfolio, or develop your own information business. In the second case, earning money on the Internet is possible by creating your own sites and placing paid advertisements on them, or by creating and selling information services.
Step 4
If you have your own sites, you can receive income not only from contextual advertising, but also by selling space on your pages for other people's commercial links (earnings on Sape), through the provision of paid services (for example, downloading files for SMS, access to closed content etc.), work with affiliate programs, that is, receiving a percentage of the sale of goods through your website.
Step 5
Your own info business can be built around one or more training courses. It doesn't really matter what exactly you plan to teach people, it is important that you yourself are confident in the subject. You can start by creating your own mailing list with copyright materials. By the way, popular mailing lists bring their owners a good profit by placing commercial advertisements on them. If your course is in demand, you can proceed to creating copyright video lessons on DVD and sending them out for a fee. The most important thing for making money successfully on the Internet is to really start doing something and not be afraid of work. There is no need to expect that working or business on the Internet will require less effort and time than working offline. This is an illusion. But with a serious attitude to business, perseverance and conscientiousness, your efforts will certainly be rewarded not only with high incomes, but also with high self-esteem from successfully implemented plans.