Today we will find the answer to the employer's main question: why should he hire you. Indeed, what are the criteria by which HR-ry choose this or that resume? What should be indicated in it in order to be guaranteed to receive an invitation for an interview?

The main criterion for selecting a resume.
I'm sure you know that HR specialists look at a resume for 20-30 seconds, and study what they like - about 2 minutes. Experienced HR managers in large companies spend even less time on this - about 10-15 seconds. This is understandable, since for each vacancy dozens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of resumes can come, it all depends on its quality, attractiveness, relevance. And at the same time, several vacancies can be closed at the same time in the company.
HR-ry always work in an emergency mode, the main thing for them is to quickly fill a vacancy, so an individual approach to a candidate is not applied in this case. No one will search for your talents and abilities if you do not demonstrate them yourself. Your resume may just get lost and overlooked.
Therefore, it is important, firstly: - to make the resume concise and specific, that is, indicate in it only what is directly related to the vacancy for which you are applying; - secondly, to draw up the document correctly, to submit information in a clear and structured manner so that it can be easily read and assimilated; - thirdly, to show the concrete results of their work in the same place. It is most important. These results should explain to the employer why he should hire you.
So, in order to stand out from the competition, you need to talk about your achievements. Not what you did, but what you did. Processes are of no interest to anyone. Most of the candidates enthusiastically describe their functionality at their previous place of work; some mix functionality with experience. But only a few indicate the results.
While preparing this material, I went through my resume archive. So, only 13 people out of a hundred indicated at least something in the column "my achievements" and, accordingly, only 13 people had it at all!
In general, the specific results are of interest not only to the employer. Many years ago I worked as a law teacher in one of the universities, and I still remember the following dialogues: - Elena Viktorovna, why do you give me a bad opinion? Didn't I teach? - Why didn't you? - But I really taught … That is, a person describes a process, while I needed a result from him.
And the processes do not suit the wives. They often ask their husbands: if you work, then why don't you earn, you seem to have gone fishing - and where is the fish, etc. That is, many categories of people want to see results, you need to remember this.
In your letters and comments, you ask me what can be indicated in the “achievements” column, especially if there were no real achievements.
My friends! If you were fired for inconsistency with your position, then - I agree, there is nothing to boast about. But if the former employer was satisfied with your job, then it means that there are still some achievements.
By way of illustration, I will return to my teaching activities again. When composing a resume, one could simply indicate in the column "experience": from such and such to such and such a number she worked as a teacher of commercial law in such and such a university. Conducted lectures and seminars, took tests and exams. She resigned of her own free will.
And you can add to this and achievements: - developed a full course of lectures for full-time and part-time students; - compiled teaching aids; - developed cases and exercises for seminars; - introduced business games into the learning process, which ensured 100% attendance of students to classes; - wrote 18 articles on my subject, which were published there and there; - prepared a Ph. D. thesis for defense; - held a number of open lectures in schools and lyceums in order to attract graduates to our institute.
Now look at this resume through the eyes of the employer: who will he give preference to - the one who just indicated work experience and functionality, or me? If you add an academic degree to this list, employment in a university is guaranteed!
Thus, you can analyze any position, look at it not from the point of view of functionality, but from the point of view of achievements and results.
For some specialties, for example, the key achievement is completing work on time. After all, the purpose of the resume is not always the employment of the applicant in a particular organization. Often we are talking about subscriber services, outsourcing. And then a so-called “incoming” accountant appears in the company, an IT specialist, an equipment repair technician, etc. The result that a manager expects from them is a high-quality and timely fulfillment of their obligations under the contract. This means that you can write about it in your resume.
For sales consultants, managers, insurance agents, real estate specialists, advertising agents "achievement" is sales volumes + customer base development. Moreover, these results should be indicated in concrete and clear numbers. For “forensic” lawyers, this is the number of trials carried out and the percentage of cases won. For example, if over the years of work a lawyer has conducted a hundred lawsuits, of which he won eighty-nine, then we can consider him as our future employee!
Think about what results in your work have you achieved? What have you ever been rewarded, thanked, rewarded for? What workflows can you develop and improve to get a more meaningful result, and then reflect it on your resume?
So, let's summarize and fix:
For your resume to be noticed, you need: - conciseness; - structuredness and clarity of information; - indication of specific results and achievements.
Elena Trigub