Every year, more than a thousand new employees are recruited to the departments of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the RF. There are certain general requirements for candidates seeking to work in the internal affairs bodies. However, in some regional police departments, the rules for admission to certain positions may differ.

Step 1
Firstly, you need to apply to the place where you directly want to get a job (in the district or city office, etc.). Make an appointment with the head of the department and go through an initial interview. If there is a vacancy in the staff and the approval of the chief, you receive application forms in the personnel department and fill them out accurately.
Step 2
After you have submitted an application, the HR department will give you a list of documents that must be submitted by a certain date. This is a biography, a completed application form, insurance certificate, TIN and numerous copies of other documents.
Step 3
Next, you will be given a referral to the military medical commission (VVK). However, before you go through it, you will have to collect some certificates from the district clinic, narcological, neuropsychiatric and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries (are you registered).
Step 4
Take an outpatient card in a civilian polyclinic, an extract from recent years and carry the collected certificates to the IHC. Immediately, you are given an act, according to which 5 doctors must go through. The final verdict is made by the chairman of the IHC. Such a commission is quite difficult to pass, so you must be confident in your excellent physical health.
Step 5
If the IHC recognized you as fit for service in the ATS, the next test will be passing the CPD (psychological examination). In the process of passing psychological tests, you may be offered to undergo a polygraph test (lie detector). Try to answer the questions sincerely, as the final decision of the commission will depend on this.
Step 6
Next, collect all the medical reports and go with them back to the personnel department.
Step 7
The final stage of the police device) will be getting a referral for special training, which can last up to six months. Before the trip, you receive an appropriate certificate, and after undergoing training in a special center, you become a real policeman (policeman).