Recently, employers have begun to disregard the Labor Code, and often delay the payment of money to their employees. Of course, any delay makes adjustments to your plans for utility bills, grocery purchases, etc. Therefore, if you have not been paid the amount due, you need to act immediately.

Step 1
The Labor Code, however, like the Criminal Code, implies a number of tough measures against the head of the company for delay or non-payment of wages. Employers have a regulated period in which a delay is allowed - 3 days. But, only after a written warning from all employees of the enterprise.
Step 2
If this period has passed, and the accounting department does not intend to make a calculation, it is worth contacting the Federal Service for Protection and Labor Protection. You can find out where such a department is located in the information service. When you come to an appointment with a specialist, take with you supporting documents about your place of work, for example, an employment contract.
Step 3
Perhaps the service inspector will try to solve the problem without writing statements and initiating administrative proceedings, namely, call the company. The bosses behave very politely with this state structure, and they are afraid of checking on their part. Therefore, it is possible that the boss will set a minimum period for issuing the required amount.
Step 4
If your management did not enlighten communication with the inspector, then you can safely write a statement to prosecute officials. Samples of writing such documents can be found on the Internet portal of the State Services, at It can be sent either by mail or personally. The debtor must be checked within 10 days
Step 5
You can also contact the prosecutor's office of your city, this issue is also in their competence. If the employer treats the inspector of the labor service with disdain, then a person in uniform may more harshly influence his decision. Moreover, if the company does not pay you money for more than a month, the prosecutor is obliged to initiate a criminal case with all the ensuing consequences.
Step 6
If you are not the only person in the company who is not paid money, you can try to go on strike with the whole team. This is an extreme measure, and the management understands that if the team does not come to work, the downtime of the enterprise can turn out to be a penny. But if you decide to take such a desperate step, then notify the employer in writing 5 working days in advance.
Step 7
The court can put an end to the labor dispute on the calculation of the money owed. Samples for writing statements of claim are presented in every civil court in Russia. If the court is on your side, then the bailiff service will collect money from the employer.