Nuclear energy is one of the most competitive sectors of the Russian economy. Nuclear power plants are part of the Rosenergoatom concern and are branches of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. As in any large corporation, people with a variety of specialties are required here. However, employment has its own characteristics, since nuclear power plants, like other enterprises of Rosatom, are considered potentially hazardous facilities.

It is necessary
- - summary;
- - one of the specialties required to work at a nuclear power plant.
- - a computer with an Internet connection;
- - Email.
Step 1
Go to the official website of the Rosenergoatom Concern. Find the "About the Group" tab, and in it - the "Career in the Group" section. There you will find a link to the Current Jobs page. Download the resume form from there.
Step 2
Prepare a resume. The most demanded specialties requiring higher education are “Energy”, “Nuclear Power Plants”, a number of environmental specialties, “Radiation Safety of Man and the Environment”. Quite often, workers with secondary specialized education are required, as well as workers. Fill out the form as accurately as possible. The security services will also check it, and very carefully. Therefore, all the data you provide must correspond to reality.
Step 3
Submit your questionnaire. It can be personally taken to the personnel department if your locality is located near the nuclear power plant. But this will not give a serious gain in time. The questionnaire will be checked for at least a month, more often for about three months. You just have to wait. If there is a vacancy at the moment, you will be informed about it. If it is not yet there, but you fit all the data, you will be entered into the database, and after a while you will be able to find a job.
Step 4
You will be prompted for an incoming medical check-up. This will need to be done in a medical institution belonging to the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. The address will be given to you in the personnel department. Usually this is a medical unit located in the same settlement as a nuclear power plant or other Rosatom facility.
Step 5
If you are just choosing your future profession, check out the list of educational institutions with which ROSATOM cooperates. You can find it on its official website, in the section "Students and Schoolchildren" Getting a profession in a specialized higher or secondary educational institution will greatly facilitate employment. You can fill out the questionnaire before you graduate from a university, college or lyceum, so that the check will have time to be completed by the time you receive your education document. On the Rosatom website, you can also find out about the corporation's scholarships, as well as the conditions for obtaining them.
Step 6
Find out about the possibility of participating in the state educational order program. You can make inquiries at the education committee or the department of economic development of the city where the nuclear power plant is located. The essence of the program is that a potential employee studies at a specialized university on a budgetary basis, and the company provides him with some additional social benefits. Having received a diploma, a young specialist must work for some time at a nuclear power plant. The term is stipulated by the contract, as well as the terms of termination of the contract.