Office life is an organism with its own characteristics. One of them is the selection by the superiors of one of the employees by giving him any privileges.

Step 1
Payment for mobile communication
Sign an order for payment of all expenses of the corporate number issued to the company and given to the employee. Such a step will allow him to significantly save on telephone calls, and you will show your concern for an employee important to the company.
Step 2
Extended insurance
The standard corporate insurance option for a team is usually different from that given to management. Place the employee on the list of ruling persons to receive a wider range of medical services at the expense of the firm.
Step 3
Signing comfortable vacation days
Vacation schedules drawn up do not always correspond to the plans and desires of employees. Give your important employee the opportunity to choose the vacation period on their own (usually the most desirable are the summer months).
Step 4
Shortening the working day
For special services to the company, an employee can receive a privilege in the form of a reduction in the length of the working day. Allow him to come an hour late or leave the office an hour earlier (his choice). Signing the order in this case is mandatory.
Step 5
Allocation of a separate office
Many employees dream about this, but most of them have to work in a single office with panel divisions.
Step 6
Opportunity to work outside the office
Some professions involve working on the Internet or just at the computer. Let the employee choose the place to perform their job duties independently. Let him spend a couple of days a week at home, provided that the work is done well and there is no loss of work for the company.