A gratuitous use agreement implies the transfer of values from one person to another for temporary use on a gratuitous basis, that is, free of charge. These relations are regulated by Article 689 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Before moving on to drafting a legal document, read the legislative acts.

Step 1
The contract for the gratuitous use of property must necessarily contain the number, date and place of conclusion (city). Please include this information at the very beginning of the document. Start the main text with information about the lender and the borrower.
Step 2
In the first section of the legal document, include information about the subject of the transaction, that is, the property that is transferred free of charge. If there are several items, indicate them in the appendix, and in the edition of the contract refer to this list.
Step 3
In the second section, indicate the term of the contract. For example, you can write the following wording: "The contract comes into force on (date) and is concluded for an indefinite period."
Step 4
List the rights and obligations of the parties below. Please complete this section very carefully. First, indicate the responsibilities of the lender. Here you can write that he undertakes to transfer the subject of the contract with all accessories and documentation. If you have agreed that the lender should provide consulting assistance, write about it in the section.
Step 5
List the responsibilities of the borrower. This can include the conditions for returning the property, how it is used, and what to do if a problem occurs.
Step 6
In the same section, indicate the rights of the parties. For example, the lender has the right at any time to check the condition of the transferred property or to replace it with a similar subject of the contract. To the rights of the borrower, you can include the following conditions: if deficiencies are found, demand from the lender to eliminate them, improve the property without the written consent of the owner.
Step 7
In the fourth section, indicate the procedure for transferring the subject of the transaction. Here you must indicate the place of transfer and return of property; list the documents that confirm the fact of the implementation of the contract (acceptance certificate).
Step 8
Add a section on the responsibility of the parties to the contract. Here you must include information on the performance of obligations, on the payment of a penalty in the event of improper use of property, etc.
Step 9
A mandatory clause in the agreement is the procedure and grounds for termination of the document. For example, you can write that it is terminated by agreement or unilaterally. If one of the parties decided to end the relationship, she needs to write a corresponding request.
Step 10
Next, include a section on dispute resolution and force majeure. List other conditions. Here you can specify how many copies the contract has, etc.
Step 11
Be sure to list the list of annexes to the agreement, addresses and details of the parties. At the end, sign the document and put the stamps of the organizations (if the parties to the contract are legal entities).