Fourteen is not only the age at which a young man or girl can be put behind bars in Russia. It is at this age that they are obliged to get their hands on the main document - a civil passport with their own autograph and photograph. But few young people probably think that soon they will probably have to change this passport. And not only because of age.

Read, envy, I am a citizen of the Soviet Union
As you know, Russian passports did not come into circulation immediately after the emergence of a country called the Russian Federation, but only on October 1, 1997. And the replacement of the "old" red-skinned books with the emblem of the USSR ended only on July 1, 2004.
More precisely, it should have ended. There are several known cases when elderly people, who have lived in the USSR all their lives, flatly refused to change the Soviet passports already familiar for decades, even after the end of the established period. And such "refuseniks" had to be persuaded by the whole family.
Everything goes according to plan
There are three types of mandatory passport replacement. The first is planned, produced calmly, purposefully and after a person reaches the age of 20 and 45 years. An exception is allowed in one case, and it applies to 20-year-old boys. This is service in the Armed Forces and stay at the moment of reaching 20 years in the location of a military unit. It is possible to hand over the old passport stored in the military registration and enlistment office and get a new one only after the final return home.
Something is wrong
The second type of replacement is unscheduled. It is also produced in certain cases. These include, in particular, full or partial change of the so-called full name. For example, after getting married, a girl whose name is Ekaterina Brilliantova decided to change her surname to the surname of her dear and beloved spouse Ivan Kuzkin …
The passport is changed and if there is an urgent need to correct the date and place of birth indicated in it. A similar situation is possible, for example, among inmates of orphanages and orphanages who "suddenly" found parents and learned a lot about the first days of their lives.
The next suitable case for an unscheduled replacement of a passport is considered to be its damage (for example, they left it in the pocket of a jacket, which was then washed; morning coffee was spilled on it; dropped into a puddle or fire). It is worth going to the passport office if you suddenly find any spelling or other mistake in the document. Let's say that the same full name is incorrectly spelled. You must admit that it is not entirely pleasant when, instead of the name of Solovyov, you suddenly found in your passport a strange set of letters Slovva …
The most unusual and not very common reason for Russia is the so-called gender reassignment. It is this formulation that is written down in the law, although you cannot call it correct. Passports are replaced by transsexuals only after they receive a certificate from the registry office about the surgical and hormonal correction of their biological sex and a new birth certificate. They do not change sex.
Call 02
The third and last type of shift is associated with not only the passport office, but also the police department, which is not the most pleasant in a person's life. It is allowed if your passport has been stolen (along with your wallet and purse) or you yourself have lost it. In such a situation, before starting the change process, you must not only report the loss to the nearest “site”, but also advertise in the newspaper that the document is no longer valid.
"Other" life
A very mysterious point of the rules for changing a passport is the phrase "… is made in other cases provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation." What exactly means “other”, the common people hardly understand, and therefore treat with a certain amount of humor. Sometimes, however, sad.
Take the same transsexuals of the MtF type (from "male to female") who have to live for years with serious changes in their appearance with their previous passport. At the same time, without having the legal opportunity to become the owner of a new document before the operation or without it at all. After all, it is often impossible for them to go through customs at the airport or get their own money from the bank.