When all the resources of judicial protection in the country have been exhausted, there is only one way left - to the European Court of Human Rights. This court considers disputes between citizens and the state, disputes between citizens and legal entities are not subject to consideration.

Step 1
Make sure that your complaint is indeed subject to examination by the European Court of Human Rights. In other words, your application must necessarily meet two requirements: firstly, you have already applied to all the country's legal defense authorities, and secondly, six months have not passed since the moment when the final decision on your case was made.
Step 2
Write a letter of complaint that you will send to the court. In the text, you need to state the facts of the complaint, its essence, indicate those rights that you consider violated, and also be sure to list all those legal means that you have already used to defend yourself. In addition, list all the official decisions that have been made in your case, and attach a photocopy of them. Then sign the complaint form.
Step 3
Make a statement that you do not want your name to be published, and explain the facts that affect this, if any. But please note that such anonymity is allowed only in exceptional cases, when it is really necessary.
Step 4
Send your letter or complaint form to the European Court of Human Rights by mail. Moreover, you must definitely send the letter, because neither telephone calls nor electronic applications will be considered. But you can additionally duplicate your complaint electronically or by telephone.
Step 5
Provide additional information of any kind if requested by the staff of the Court. This can be both various kinds of clarifications and documents that relate to your case. At the same time, be very careful and in no case delay with the answer. If you do not respond to the letter for a long time, then your complaint may be automatically canceled, since silence can be regarded as disinterest in considering the application.