Delegation skills should be possessed by employees of all managerial levels. The efficiency of the work of his team directly depends on how correctly the leader can do this. In addition, such a skill saves the manager's time, helps to develop personnel professionally, relieves tension in the team and makes employees more responsible. So what's the right way to delegate authority?

Step 1
The effectiveness of delegation of authority is based on the fact that people tend to better solve the problems they deal with on a daily basis. By delegating authority, you are not giving an assignment, but asking to take on part of the responsibilities. What is the best way to do this? First of all - choose the right person to whom you will delegate some of the powers. This should be a qualified person who is well versed in what you want to entrust him. At the same time, it is desirable that he be at the lowest organizational level - i.e. directly participated in such work, but as a subordinate.
Step 2
First, the employee needs to be prepared. Give him a clear idea of the outcome of the activities for which he is empowered. Bring down the deadlines for the work, the procedure for reporting for it, as well as the framework within which he can take the initiative. Perhaps he will have to account for each stage of the work, or maybe you will give him complete freedom of action.
Step 3
Provide the employee with all the information necessary for work and allow a number of issues to be resolved on their own. However, you should not endow the delegate with unnecessary powers and rights. This can lead to their abuse. Don't supervise the subordinate too closely. Pay more attention not to the progress of the work, but to the result obtained.
Step 4
Never delegate only pleasant or unpleasant assignments. You need to assign something not only when you are overloaded with work, but constantly. And do not be afraid to give subordinates difficult tasks - they stimulate professional growth, the responsibility of your employee and help prepare successors for certain positions. Responsibilities that cannot be fully delegated include hiring and firing, making wage decisions, and safety issues.
Step 5
If, in the process of completing a task, an employee has come to a standstill and tried to return the delegated authority, this must be stopped. Explain to him that he himself must implement his decisions. Always let the employee understand the prospects for a particular job. Knowing that a reward awaits him - financial reward, promotion or recognition, the employee will show more initiative and diligence in his work.