How To Arrange The Transfer Of An Employee

How To Arrange The Transfer Of An Employee
How To Arrange The Transfer Of An Employee

Table of contents:


Due to medical indicators and other reasons, the employer has the right to transfer the employee to another structural unit. Moreover, it should be located in the same area as the current place of work of the specialist, his job function should not differ significantly from the duties performed in the position held.

How to arrange the transfer of an employee
How to arrange the transfer of an employee

It is necessary

  • - employee documents;
  • - documents of the enterprise;
  • - forms of relevant documents;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - pen.


Step 1

The written consent of the employee to move to another place of work is not required, but the condition must be met that the rights and obligations prescribed in the employment contract with the employee do not change. To carry out the transfer of a specialist to another job, a structural unit, the director of the enterprise should issue a corresponding order. The basis for its preparation is a memo from the head of the structural unit in which this specialist works. The document is sent to the first person of the company for consideration, who, in case of consent, affixes a resolution with the date and signature.

Step 2

If the initiative to move to another place of work comes from the employee, he needs to write an application with a request to transfer to another position, structural unit, while the employee's labor function does not change. The specialist signs the document and puts the date of its writing on it. The director also affixes the resolution to the application, dated and signed.

Step 3

Draw up an order, in the head of which write the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise, indicating its organizational and legal form. Give the document a number and date of publication, write the name of the city in which the organization is located. Indicate the subject of the order, which in this case corresponds to the movement of the employee. Describe the reason for drawing up the document, the reason for moving this employee to another place of work, structural unit. In the administrative part, enter the surname, name, patronymic of the specialist, his personnel number, the name of the position held and the name of the position, structural unit where he is being transferred. Certify the order with the seal of the organization and the signature of the director of the enterprise. Familiarize the employee with the document against signature.

Step 4

There is no need to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract, since the main labor function of the employee has not changed. There is no need to make an entry on the transfer in the employee's work book. This is spelled out in article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
