The cost of the claim is the amount that the plaintiff wants to receive following the results of the consideration of the case. The jurisdiction of the dispute and the amount of the state duty paid when filing a claim depends on it. The price of the claim is an obligatory element of the statement of claim; without it, it can be left without movement. The plaintiff determines its size independently, while giving the calculation.

It is necessary
Supporting documents: receipts, checks, estimates, pay slips
Step 1
To determine the price of the claim, it is necessary to calculate the amount recovered, i.e. the amount of compensation for damage, costs incurred, unreceived wages, etc. To justify the price, attach supporting documents: receipts, checks, estimates, pay slips. At a price of up to fifty thousand rubles, the dispute is under the jurisdiction of the magistrate. Moral harm is assessed based on inner conviction.
Step 2
When collecting periodic payments, the cost of the claim is determined as the amount of payments for the year. When demanding a reduction in the size of payments, you need to calculate the amount by which they will decrease for the year.
Step 3
In claims for the reclamation of property, recognition of property rights, the value of the property should be determined. It can be taken on the basis of their inventory estimate, report of an independent appraiser of market value. If the owner is an organization, then based on the balance sheet price.
Step 4
When challenging a document that collected amounts, for example, a decision of a tax authority, it is necessary to summarize arrears, penalties and fines.
Step 5
In the requesting part of the claim, it is necessary to indicate separately the size of each independent claim. For example, on claims for reinstatement at work, determine the amount of payment for forced absenteeism, the amount of moral damage.